8.1 Working With Files
paste [options] file1 file2
Common Options
-d list list of delimiting characters
-s concatenate lines
The list of delimiters may include a single character such as a comma; a quoted string, such as a space; or any of the following escape sequences:
\n <newline> character
\t <tab> character
\\ backslash character
\0 empty string (non-null character)
It may be necessary to quote delimiters with special meaning to the shell.
A hyphen (-) in place of a file name is used to indicate that field should come from standard input.
Given the file users:
jdoe John Doe 4/15/96
lsmith Laura Smith 3/12/96
pchen Paul Chen 1/5/96
jhsu Jake Hsu 4/17/96
sphilip Sue Phillip 4/2/96
and the file phone:
John Doe 555-6634
Laura Smith 555-3382
Paul Chen 555-0987
Jake Hsu 555-1235
Sue Phillip 555-7623
the paste command can be used in conjunction with the cut command to create a new file, listing, that includes the username, real name, last login, and phone number of all the users. First, extract the phone numbers into a temporary file, temp.file:
% cut -f2 phone > temp.file
The result can then be pasted to the end of each line in users and directed to the new file, listing:
% paste users temp.file > listing
jdoe John Doe 4/15/96 237-6634
lsmith Laura Smith 3/12/96 878-3382
pchen Paul Chen 1/5/96 888-0987
jhsu Jake Hsu 4/17/96 545-1235
sphilip Sue Phillip 4/2/96 656-7623
This could also have been done on one line without the temporary file as:
% cut -f2 phone | paste users - > listing
with the same results. In this case the hyphen (-) is acting as a placeholder for an input field (namely, the output of the cut command).